Commander's Message
Merriam-Webster defines VOLUNTEER as:
A person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service; and service is defined as contribution to the welfare of others.
The Civil Air Patrol Mission/Vision Statement states: “Volunteers Serving America’s Communities, Saving Lives, and Shaping Futures.”
We at the Civil Air Patrol consider ourselves professional volunteers, in service together.
Integrity, Excellence, Respect, and Volunteer Service are the core values that over 65,000 Civil Air Patrol members live by. In California Wing, members aged 12 and above strive to innovate and provide exceptional educational experiences to advance their education and training rapidly and prepare to perform vital and life-saving missions for our communities.
Over 3,500 volunteers in California serve in various positions and events, encompassing the three missions of Emergency Services, Aerospace Education, and Cadet Programs.
This website provides detailed insight into the California Wing and is a tribute to our members' dedication, innovation, and accomplishments.
Members will find resources available to assist in the successful completion of any project and mission, as well as provide members of the public and prospective members with a plethora of CAP information, history, and opportunities.
As you explore all the fantastic opportunities that Civil Air Patrol’s California Wing can offer you and your family, I invite you to attend a squadron meeting and meet your neighbors, the heroes “next door”!
Best regards,
Col. Craig Newton, CAP
Commander, California Wing
More information about the Commander and staff is located Here