California Wing Website
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Government Relations

Director of Personnel  Director of Legislative Affairs - Lt Col Mark Kempton 


Please see the Wing Personnel Authorization for the most up-to-date list here: Personnel Authorizations and for contact information login into PCR Tools Here.


The California Wing Government Relations Staff helps the Wing Commander plan and implement the Wing's legislative and government relations programs at both the national and state levels.

This includes but is not limited to:
• Maintaining relationships with local, state and federal government officials.
• Keeping the California congressional delegation and California state legislators informed about CAP activities.
• Monitoring state and federal legislation that may affect CAP.
• Provide support for the California Legislative Squadron.
• Participate in and otherwise provide support for the annual CAP Legislative Day.
• Provide support for subordinate unit Government Relations Officers.


1) Q: How is the relationship between the National and Wing Government Relations staff managed? Is the information shared equally? Are advocacy efforts coordinated between the units?
A: While the Wing Government Relations Advisor reports directly to and operates at the direction of the Wing Commander, the Wing advisor maintains regular contact with National Government Relations staff and coordinates actions where shared interests exist. One such shared interest is the annual CAP Legislative Day, where Government Relations staff from each wing, join the National staff to reach out to key members of Congress in Washington D.C.
2) Q: Are outside consultants or lobbyists engaged to assist with the execution of the Wing's legislative and government relations programs?
A: Not typically. While National utilizes outside consultants, the Wing Government Relations staff is usually sufficient to carry out the directives of the Wing Commander.
3) Q: Does the Wing form or participate in coalitions to further the legislative and/or government relations programs?
A: Not at this time. While, in the future, certain legislative issues may necessitate the appropriate formation of or participation in a coalition with similarly affected interested parties, this would be done only after careful consideration and in close coordination with National Government Relations staff.
4) Q: Does the Government Relations staff engage the media to further the legislative and/or government relations program?
A: Not typically, but this can be done if deemed necessary and in close coordination with the Wing's Public Affairs staff.
5) Q: Does the Government Relations Staff have an annual or regularly scheduled event to train and/or educate CAP members and or legislators?
A: As part of our outreach efforts the staff participates in multiple events annually. In addition to the annual California Wing Conference, the staff also participates in the annual CAP Legislative Day in Washington D.C. and up to four meetings of the California Legislative Squadron each year.
6) Q: How does the Wing define the success of the legislative and government relations programs and how does it communicate this to CAP members?
A: With the help of the Government Relations staff the Wing Commander defines a vision and goals for the Wing's legislative and government relations programs on an annual basis as part of the overall planning for the Wing. At the end of each year, the goals are reviewed to determine if each has been achieved. Successful achievement of the goals constitutes successful program execution for that year. The Commander typically communicates the goals and results at the annual Wing Conference.
7) Q: Does the Wing Government Relations staff have a system in place to mobilize CAP members into state legislative or regulatory action?
A: The staff utilizes the Wing email distribution list when necessary to mobilize CAP members. If the action required is restricted to a particular Group, the staff may utilize that Group's email distribution list.
8) Q: What does it take to be a Government Relations Advisor?
A: A Government Relations Advisor must be experienced working with elected officials from the State and Federal governments as well as understand each legislative process. In addition, a Government Relations Advisor should be familiar with the Civil Air Patrol Constitution and Bylaws, any State or Federal Statues affecting CAP, and all pending State or Federal legislation that may affect CAP.

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