Weekbook Archive
Past Encampment Weekbooks
It is the mission of the California Wing Encampment Public Affairs Officer to compile a “Weekbook” containing photographs of cadet’s encampment experiences. The Encampment weekbook has been a tradition of the California Wing encampment since before the Cadet Training Group. Below are some past encampment weekbooks for download at the California Wing History and Heritage site. Note: If you see a year missing that you possess, please contact us at webmaster@cawgcadets.org.
Pre CTG and Region Encampment Weekbooks
Below are weekbooks are for encampments prior to 1975 and those from Encampments that CAWG was involved. They are avbailable for download at the California Wing History and Heritage site. Note: If you see a year missing that you possess, please contact us at webmaster@cawgcadets.org.